Jeff Jacob

Welcome to’s first ever collector interview!

Jeff Jacob is a well known Star Wars collector. As well as buying and selling on eBay he also has his own online store. Apart from being a fan of Trilogos, Jeff also collects US Kenner loose, carded, boxed and much more. No stranger to a limelight, Jeff updates his collection showcase thread regularly on the Rebelscum forums. If you want to take a look you can find his collection over here.

Hi Jeff! Thanks for taking the time out to answer a few questions for us! Let’s start with how and when you decided to collect Trilogo figures and when it all began!

Hi Joe, I started collecting Trilogos back in 1997 because I noticed some of them had different card art, and I just love star wars MOC’s! When I first started collecting I would buy up larger collections to sell what I didn’t need, I usually kept the Trilogos I would get in these collections. I had about 3/4 of the collection by 1999, that same year the first Star Wars Celebration was right here in Denver. I did not have alot of the kenner collection done by this time, so I decided to sell all my Trilogo cards and get the rest of my Kenner carded figures I needed, so when I decided to re-collect Trilogos, I was kicking myself in the butt, as I had some hard to get ones back then like both versions of Boba Fett and a few others that were not rare but super hard to find in as nice condition as the ones I sold. To this day my wife reminds me before the show she told me to keep the Trilogos but at the time I did not own Anakin or a Vinyl Caped Jawa and I was able to add both of these at that Celebration convention. She was probably right because I did so well at the show that I did not even need to sell my Trilogos and just two months after selling them I decided to get the Trilogo figures back and started my 12 year journey to complete the collection (again). Of course..she still loves to say I told you so!
Great story Jeff! So what do you like about Trilogo figures the most?

Overall I enjoy the challenge of finding them, and of course finding them in nice shape, it’s easy to find any figure if condition isn’t a factor but I try to get my figures as close to mint as I can find.

Yoda Trilogo Variants
Very true, finding them isn’t too difficult but if you want the best be prepared to wait and wait! Ok recently you limelighted your new Madine, is your set now complete or are you still looking for more figures ?

I have almost all the basic figures including Madine, Jawa and Boba Fett. I am still looking for about 8 variants in total plus hammerhead, white bespin guard, and the cloud car pilot on Hybrid cards.
Hope you find those soon Jeff, don’t forget to update us! Moving on, if you can tell us, what was your best ever deal on a Trilogo?
Definitely wasn’t my Madine lol! I would have to say the POTF figures as I bought all of them from one guy for about $100 each years ago, as a matter of a fact, they are what got me started on collecting Trilogos.
Nice prices, some of those are quite tricky to get a deal on! Which is your favourite Trilogo figure, if you had to choose one above all others to keep?
It would be the Jawa hands down!
In terms of rarity, which figures would you say were the top five hardest to find?
Number one has to be Madine closely followed by the dark HK coloured Boba Fett variant. The next three would probably be Jawa, Hammerhead and the Cloud Car Pilot, these are by far the hardest to find!
You mentioned the dark grey Boba Fett variant (Meccano variant) do you have any interest in other Trilogo variants? If so what is your favourite variant Trilogo?

Yes I do, I actually own both Fett’s. Apart from him there is a Bossk with bright colors that I really like and would like to pick up at some point.
Well, it’s been great speaking to you Jeff – Thanks for your time! One last question before we finish up if you don’t mind! What words of wisdom or advice would you offer to someone starting out on Trilogo collecting today?
Very simple, if you are in a hurry to collect, then you should not collect Trilogos as it could take years to put together a set!

We couldn’t end the interview in any other way than by showing Jeff’s amazing Trilogo wall.

A huge thank you to Jeff for being’s first ever featured collector!
Collection of Jeff Jacob

A huge thank you to Jeff for being’s first ever featured collector!

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